We're back! And we've been busy...
Today, Tom visits the Science Museum in London to take a look at Our Future Planet, the museum's carbon removal exhibition. As carbon communicators ourselves, we were keen to find out what the Science Museum were doing to educate their guests on our favourite topic of discussion.
Tom was taken through the exhibition by its curator, Rupert Cole. Rupert took us through the items on display, the way guests experience the exhibition, and the language they use to communicate carbon removal.
The exhibition is not without controversy. Our Future Planet is sponosored by Shell and Extinction Rebellion have accused the Science Museum of assisting in the oil giant's attempts to greenwash their reputation. The Science Museum has defended the sponsorship, saying that energy companies have a significant role to play in finding solutions to the climate crisis, and that the Science Museum retains editorial control over the exhibition.
You can read the full statements of both Extinction Rebellion and the Science Museum here. and the Science Museum's sustainability policy here.
Our thanks to Rupert and the Science Museum for showing us round. Our Future Planet runs until September 11th.
To learn more about The Carbon Removal Show, including further reading and all our sources, head to restored.cc.
Thanks to Patch for sponsoring the podcast.
And thanks to Cofruition for consulting on and producing the show.